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OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and Chancla Ink Merge for "Maximum satisfaction"

Written By: MineyCart - 21/06/2022

It has today been announced that OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and Chancla Ink are merging into one singular company. "The decision comes for a want of unity, conjoinedness and partnership," a spokesperson for the newly joined company said today. "The two companies interacted a lot in their day business, the owners realized," they continued, "and as such they decided it would be best for both parties if they came together to form one company". Chancla Ink is said to have become a subsidiary of OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and still has it's own founders, shareholders and values, as is true with OKM. The companies will simply now have a united front and will both work together to help achieve "Maximum Satisfaction."

The Spokesperson for the newly merged companies added, "This is a bold and decisive step for OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and Chancla Ink and both companies are ready to team to conquer the market". The newly merged company has a 3 person board of directors simply consisting of the 3 directors of the 2 independent companies. Orsokuma of OKM Orsokuma Manufacture, and FoxVann and SailorKhaleesi of Chancla Ink.

The Spokesperson concluded saying, "Both companies are excited to see what they can produce together and what the future has in store for them."

You can read more about OKM Orsokuma Manufacture here
You can read more about Chancla Ink here