Cleverly Unstable Machines

Cleverly Unstable Machines Inspiring Neurotic Murdering Ecentrics

Our Creative Team:

Project Lead/Web Lead
Miney is the project lead and is responsible for the primary look and feel of the web store. He is also the person who helps to co-ordinate the efforts of the team. He is also responsible for building this site and including a lot of the jokes within it.

Check out Miney's Twitch Channel
Just here for the moral support
MzDoubleYolk is the team's hype person. She's here for the moral support. She's not really sure what's going on, she was just passing through on her way to find someone to sell her eggs to and somehow got involved in this shit. She's proud of what the team is doing and that's all that matters.

Check out MzDoubleYolk's Twitch Channel
Lead Designer/Web Support
Orsokuma is the lead designer of the project and is responsible for the design of our inaugural product, the KumaDrilldo. He is also the lead of OKM Orsokuma Manufacture, one of the Manufacturing companies whose work we host on this site.

Check out Orsokuma's Twitch Channel
Web QA
Kelandra is the web QA and is thus responsible for quality assuring all of the web content we produce. They are the backbone of the company as without them the website would likely be a garbled mess due to Miney's inability to spell the most basic word.

Check out Kelandra's Twitch Channel
Lead Creative/Founder of Chancla Ink
Foxvann is the genius behind some more of our inventions following the initial design ideas from Orsokuma. She also co-founded Chancla Ink with alongside her best friend SailorKhaleesi, an organisation intent on giving the people it serves total pleasure.

Check out Foxvann's Twitch Channel
Web QA
Wicked is one of our web QAs and is thus responsible for quality assuring all of the web content we produce. She along with Kelandra is the backbone of the company esnuring that the website is both gramatically and spelling-ly correct on the companies site.

Check out WickedNono's Twitch Channel
Lead Tester/Founder of Chancla Ink
Sailor is the lead tester on a lot of our projects, and we often liaise with the company Chancla Ink of which she is a co-founder alongside her best friend FoxVann. Sailor often will also contribute to the creative side of the product, helping us find new ways to achieve satisfaction.

Check out SailorKhaleesi's Twitch Channel
Head of Marketing
Envynecros is the head our marketing team and is responsible for the promotional material we produce. She has very good eyes which can spot a good slogan from a mile away. Envy is very good at getting the companies message across and making people want the products she markets.

Check out Envynecros's Twitch Channel
Note: If you wanna be involved in this project, contact Miney.