Cleverly Unstable Machines

Cleverly Unstable Machines Inspiring Neurotic Murdering Ecentrics

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The workers at OKM OrsoKuma Manufacture very greatly appreciate your pre-order! Your pre-order will help get the workers at OKM OrsoKuma Manufactures very excited and will allow them to achieve their best results!

We'd like to thank Chancla Ink for the extensive testing they've offered to do for the product to ensure that it is up to scratch. We are 100% positive they will do a top tier job.

Thank you again for your pre-order. We're sure our product will bring you to the edge of satisfaction and past it but just in case it doesn't we're offering a 69 day return for any products once sent.

Our Mascot, Eggy the seed we helped plant

Comfirmation of Climax (purchase)
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