Cleverly Unstable Machines

Cleverly Unstable Machines Inspiring Neurotic Murdering Ecentrics


KumaDrilldo Concept Art!

Fresh from OKM OrsoKuma Manufacture's greatest heads is the new device that's gonna be all the range this year. It's the KumaDrilldo! This device has a variety of diffrent capabilities as well as it being dishwasher safe making this one of the best OKM OrsoKuma Manufacture's product to date. Our newest product also comes in a variety of colors so wheather you prefer the BBC or something a bit more colorful our product can be customised to your wants and needs. The product already has a number of the very best beta besters pleading to give the product a full and propper testing before it is released to the public to ensure it's capabilities are the very best we can offer. The product will also have all it's labels engravd to ensure they don't dissapear from good, hard use! It also comes with wifi reciever so you can have a 4D experience with your favourie shows and videos ;)

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The KumaDrilldo is developed by OKM OrsoKuma Manufactures and will be beta tested by Chancla Ink


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