Cleverly Unstable Machines

Cleverly Unstable Machines Inspiring Neurotic Murdering Ecentrics

What is this?

Cleverly Unstable Machines (Formlery Random Wacky Inventions) was a joke that stemmed from the need for a long ranged chancla shooting device asked for by SailorKhaleesi. Upon sharing of this concept (drawn by Orsokuma) it was commented on that the original concept looked a bit like something a bit more lewd than expected thus launched the joke of the KumaDrilldo. From there Miney got involved and built this whole sub section of Orsokuma's site. FoxVann then volunteered to help out with the testing of the KD and from there the joke kept perpetuating until we ended up here.


This is C.U.M's corporate blog. This is where news relating to C.U.M and it's subsidiaries can be found.

OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and Chancla Ink Merge for "Maximum satisfaction"
It has today been announced that OKM Orsokuma Manufacture and Chancla Ink are merging into one singilar company. "The decision comes for a want of unity, conjoinedness and partnership" A spokespeson for the new join company said today.
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By: MineyCart